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Yup the Big Bad has his very own page.
Sorry for you guys who dont like spike, but he is my favorite character so i just had to do it.

(If you guys want your favorite character to have their own page just e-mail me or tell me in the guest book. The character who gets the most votes will get his/her own page.)

The Actor/ The Bloody/ The Vamp

James Marsters
First order of business, JAMES IN NOT, ( i repeat) IS NOT BRITISH!!!!! ( The accent is really hot though )
He was born in Greenville, California, on August 20th, 1969. He has one brother and one sister.
After graduating at the Davis High School, he attended the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts, the American Conservatory Theatre and Julliard.
He came to Los Angeles in 1997, after spending more than ten years with a regional theatre company he had co-founded, the Genesis Theatre Company.

When he auditioned for Spike's role, James had his naturally dark hair. The producers wanted Spike blond to create more contrast with Angel, so James had do dye his hair. He also had to learn to speak in a british accent.
James's character on the show has grown in popularity in these last years. Spike is now a regular Buffy's cast member. ( Thank God )

Fans can write to James at this address:

James Marsters
c/o UPN
11800 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025

You can also log on to, and send him an e-mail.

William The Bloody
William was a young man in love with a lady named Cecily. He wrote poetry all about her all day long (he also had the nickname 'William the bloody' because he wrote bloody awful poetry). But when she found out about his feelings, she quickly rejected him by saying "you're beneath me". Broken-hearted William decided to go home.
But before he could get there, fate intervened. He ran into an unruly vampire named Drusilla, a looney but dangerous vampire. Drusilla wanted a playmate, and William was choosen.
Drusilla sired William, turning him into a souless vampire and nothing of that pure, innocent Willian was left. Or was it?

( Oh Yeah! )Ya see now this dude is special. I mean how many people can wear something like that and get away with it. Somehow he makes it work. The arms speak for themselves.

His named was chosen because he used to torture his victims with railroads Spikes. In the 1800's William was sired by a looney vampire named Drusilla.
In 1997, Spike and Drusilla journeyed to Sunnydale, home of Angel and Buffy the slayer, at the time. Spike hung around until Buffy sent Angel to hell. He returned later, asking Willow for guidance in a love spell, hoping to force Drusilla to love him again. Now he is alone, but not for long i dont think. He and Buffy have been gettin kinda friendly if ya know what i mean.

Who should get their own page? E-mail me your favorite character. Who knows you may be the deciding vote.