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Sunnydale (Enter at your own risk)
Sunnydale Hellmouth is a chatroom on MSN that is open pretty much everyday! (Thanks to Laura aka Dawnie) Its an RPG room with the craziest bunch off people you could ever meet. And no we're not ACTUALLY crazy...atleast..I dont think we are. (And yes...I am one of those people) So if your even on-line and lookin' for somethin to do whay not stop by. Im usually there as the Buffy Bot (No not sex bot Dawnie) But I do play a large range of characters from the show. The room can be found under "Entertainment" Hope to see you there!

Luv Ya, ~NICOLE~

  Hush Up And Listen (lol gotta luv the heading)

Ok this is basically where Im gonna tell my opinion on things. Just random Buffy related questions I ask myslef at times. (Fell free to voice your own opinion on the message board or guest book) Ok first Joss human?! I mean how does he come up with all these bloody Buffy and Angel episodes? And hes makin that new show "The Watcher" and "Firefly". The guy has major talent yet never seems to get noticed for it. His shows seem to be snubbed at award shows which sucks major. No worries Joss! Your talent doesnt go unseen by your true fans.

Relationships on BTVS
Er.....first I will voice the fact that I just cant hide. The Spike and Buffy relationship...not ranking high on my *Neat Stuff-O-Meter*. My personal opinion is that Buffy should get old and die alone.(Again thats just me)Spike needs Dru back in the worst way. Tara and Willow um...yeah did that relationship have the most heartrenching ending or what? Poor Tara. (Still gotta luv Warren though....or....whats left of him that is) Then we have Anya and Xander *sighs*. I thiught they were gonna make it! Like....they were gonna be the two two over come Sunnydales curse on all relationships. Guess I was wrong......

  The Big Bad has left the building. A soul....Spike has a soul......of all thing to give him.....a soul?!?!?!? Grrrrr! Here I was thinking I was gonna get the hard core Big Bad back, then flashy eye demon guy gives the poor thing a soul! As if the chip wasnt bad enough! Poor thing. I bet he didnt leave SunnyD thinking to himself "Oh hey! I'll go to Africa. Take a few indurance tests. Then get a nice new soul." (Give or take a few british words) So its official....Spike is no better then Angel now. (A way better lookin' version of Angel, but still a class 10 poof) Welcome to your spot on the nancyboy tribe Spikey. You were one of the tough ones and will be missed. Your *badassness* lives on in our memories. big bad. Willow the...reliable-dog-gyser person was one of the best bad guys ever. Buffy coming up against her own bestfriend was pure genious on Joss' part. Having her go all hell bitch was awsome. A side off Willow I thought I would never see, and im sure wont see again (But what do I know?) On the Big Bad Meter Scary Veiny Willow gets a 10! Spike is less scary then Willow. Be very afraid.