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What's New with Buffy?
BUFFY: Season 6 has come and gone. It brought us singing and dancing, three droks, the return of a married agent Finn, a cow hat wearing Buffy, Xander and Anya's *almost* perfect wedding, Tara's death, and the most unlikely big bad (Willow). All in all it was a VERY kickass season. Um...minus the very last sceen of the season with poor Spikey gettin a brand spankin' new...soul?!?! I want the big bad back, but it looks like Sunnudale has a new soul havin' vamp *sighs*. I was way weireded out by the Spike/Buffy relationship. I so wanted him to just drain her and get it over with. What will come with season 7? Rumors of this being the last season, and Britney Spears as a guest star are runnin' round. Well keep watchin to find out what happens

ANGEL: Hmm...very odd season. Darla carried Angel's HUMAN son. Holtz returns to seek revenge for the death of his family by the hands of Angelus and Darla. Darla stakes herself and hello baby Connor. Wes goes nuts and takes Connor giving him to Holtz. Dru shows up in La. Connor is taken to some hell...place with Holtz and returns as a teenager. Holtz has himself killed by Justine so Connor thinks Angel did it. Connor turns on Angel. And the season ends with Angel sinking to the bottom of the ocean, and Cordy going to heaven. Confused?? Well join the club.